The legend of Victor and Corona in the medieval codices

The legend of Victor and Corona in the medieval codices

Music Forum The legend of Victor and Corona in the medieval codices Approximately from the thirteenth century onward, as the cult for the saints spread over the West, also as a response to the quest for tangible figures of faith that might recall the drama of the...
Kazimierz Piwkowski (1925-2012) pro memoria

Kazimierz Piwkowski (1925-2012) pro memoria

Music Forum Kazimierz Piwkowski (1925-2012) pro memoria Kazimierz Piwkowski (1954). The historically informed performance of early music on period instruments or their reproductions has been for the last few decades an obvious part of the European and worldwide...
An Introduction to the Renaissance Flute

An Introduction to the Renaissance Flute

Music Forum An Introduction to the Renaissance Flute   By Kate Clark and Amanda Markwick Le Rossignol: En escoutant by C.Janequin The Attaignant Consort, from the CD Madame d’amours – Music for...
The early piano or fortepiano

The early piano or fortepiano

Music Forum    The early piano or fortepiano   by Ilario Gregoletto Fortepiano by Bartolomeo Cristofori of 1722 in the Musical Instruments Museum of Roma. The invention of the “gravecembalo”(extended harpsichord with piano and forte) is due to Bartolomeo...
Hildegard von Bingen (1098–1179) Singing Hildegard

Hildegard von Bingen (1098–1179) Singing Hildegard

Music Forum Hildegard von Bingen (1098–1179) Singing Hildegard   by Elena Modena O vos imitatores | Hildegard von Bingen by InUnum ensemble O frondens | Hildegard von Bingen by...
Brief – Cornett Gustavo Gargiulo

Brief – Cornett Gustavo Gargiulo

Music Forum 1. Play with love, play with devotion. Thoughts about a heart-spoken technique. 2. Progressive exercise. Customise yourself your improvements. 3. Repertoire in Class attached. LINKS: Brunelli: Varii Esercitii – 1614...
Traverso flute in Germany in the 18th century

Traverso flute in Germany in the 18th century

Forum Muzyczne Traverso flute in Germany in the 18th century The flute started to be popular on the international stage only at the end of the 17th century. It was a professional instrument used for solo and orchestra pieces. Obviously a baroque traverso flute was...

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