管の ツィンク ツィンク ツィンク

私は、ツィンクは人間に作られた一番美しい管楽器の一つであると考えます。その音色は人間の声、オーボエとトロンボーンの音を兼備するようです。現在の達人が(例えば、William Dongois ウィリアム・ドンゴワ、Bruce Dickeyブルース・ディッキー)この楽器で一番骨が折れそうで複雑な曲を吹いています。ツィンクは最も成長した時代は16と17世紀ですが、残念ながら17世紀に疫病で一番優秀な達人が逝去してから徐々にその存在が忘れられていきました。その後たまにバッハ(J.S. Bach)の、それから19世紀にメンデルスゾーン・バルトルディ(F. Mendelsohn – Bartholdy)の曲に使われました。
Van Eyck - Dafne
Suzanne un jour - Diminution – Giovanni Bassano (ca. 1588-1617)
Suzanne un jour - Orlando di Lasso (1532-1594)
La Suave Melodia - Andrea Falconieri (1585-1656)
Passacaglia/Anonimo 17th century
"Rosette pour un peu d'ansence", P. Desportes
Introitus Benedicta Sit - Mikołaj z Krakowa z Tabulatury Jan z Lublina
Preambulum in a per h - Jan z Lublina
Cornetto must be regularly lubricated olive for wind instruments, such as: almond oil, linseed oil, etc. If your instrument will not be oiled, then after some time you may find it has an inferior sound, with more noise, lower notes are played with more difficult.
You must cornetto after intense play, naturally dry but away from stoves, radiators etc .. Avoid keeping it in extreme negative temperatures and positive temperatures.
More about performers
Gustawo Gargiulo
Early Music Ensamble – Alta
Aleksandra Hanus – soprano
Agnieszka Szwajgier – shawm alto
Maria Wilgos – theorbo
Karolina Szewczykowska – viola da gamba
Piotr Dąbrowski – sackbut,
Barbara Brzezińska – organs

Novel Amor – Anonim (cr 1200)



Baroque cornetto in G, copy after W. Thoma


Cornettino muto in d, Cornettino in d

Mouthpieces to Cornettino

Cornetto Curvo g-d", sycamore wood, leather covered Accademia Filharmonica di Verona 16th century

Cornetto in G, covered leather, French model

Cornetto in G, old apple wood

Cornetto Muto in F - 2 and 3 parts

Cornetto muto in F with two mouthpieces (one in black bone)
A few words about using Cornetto
Cornetto must be regularly lubricated olive for wind instruments, such as: almond oil, linseed oil, etc. If your instrument will not be oiled, then after some time you may find it has an inferior sound, with more noise, lower notes are played with more difficult.
You must cornetto after intense play, naturally dry but away from stoves, radiators etc .. Avoid keeping it in extreme negative temperatures and positive temperatures.
The bony mouthpiece must also be cleaned (especially in the middle) also oiled
Like any wooden detective instrument, you have to play it very slowly. In the first week we play – 15 minutes, in the next – 20 minutes, etc.
In this instrument to play well, it is very important to choose a good mouthpiece for your mouth. Each of us is differently built, has a different teeth bite, mouth and therefore we have to find a “mouthpiece”. Unfortunately, sometimes it takes a lot of time.
There is a lot of opinion that the cornetto is a difficult instrument to play due to the small mouthpiece and a big mouth effort. I will not agree with this opinion. Just as there are many schools playing the trumpet from very strong to light, the same is on cornetto. I rather use the method I once talked with W. Dongoise not to press the mouthpiece tightly to my mouth and allow them to vibrate freely. This topic is definitely not simple and requires some time to master it. Undoubtedly, strength playing, on a very tense mouth, causes them to get tired quickly, flat sound, trouble sometimes with intonation. I suggest that you start with a short warm-up of your lips for a few minutes. Put the instrument on for 10-15 minutes and start playing again. In the initial period, do not force lips, play with frequent breaks.
As most of old instruments, also in the case of cornetto we can use interchangeable grips for the same sound. To understand this, it is enough to know additional tricks eg on recorder, because in cornetto we can play very similarly Np sound: c # we can play in the first octave with two closed holes in the right hand but sometimes you also have to close half a third of the hole. Sound: g # in the first octave is sometimes difficult to intonate, to make it more stable we can close some holes in the right hand.
Sometimes musicians who play on a one-piece cornetto have a problem with closing the lowest holes in their right hands, especially when they have small hands. To solve this problem, it may be a cornetto order with shifted holes that will fit into the hand of the musician, cornetto curvo or cornetto 3-part, the lowest part can be turned so that it matches the right hand.
Good luck