Renaissance and Baroque musical instruments

by Grzegorz Tomaszewicz


Price list in EUR/2024

1.Baroque Clarinet

J. Denner with 2 keys in c or d/ 415 Hz-

boxwood- 1700


model – J.C. Denner 18 th century 440 or 415 Hz

Soprano in f

rosewood – 620

jatoba wood (more hard like rosewood)- 620

boxwood – 720

Alto in c

rosewood- 630

jatoba wood-630

boxwood, – 750

Tenor in f

rosewood- 740

jatoba wood- 740

boxwood – 870

Bass in C with 3 keys

rosewood- 1140

jatoba wood- 1140

boxwood- 1220

2/A Chalumeau model- Stuehnwal about 1730 , Bayerische National Museum in Munich440 or 415 Hz



jatoba wood- 650

boxwood- 700


rosewood- 640

jatoba wood- 640

boxwood- 760


rosewood- 760

jatoba wood- 760

boxwood -850

3. Modern Chalumeau

sopran in c without keys -120

sopran in c with 2 keys – 150

4. Cornamuse

440 Hz, sycamore wood (for special order- jatoba wood)

Soprano in c with one key – 525

Alto in f with one key– 520

Tenor in c with one key- 560

Bass in F with one key- 720

Great Bass in C with one key – 1100

Additional key to cornamuse- 56

Additional mouthpiece to cornamuse bass- 52

Reeds to Cornamuse

Sopran, Alto , Tenor- 39 Eur

Bass , Subbass- 46 Eur

Support for thumb ( brass) in bass and greatbass- 50

5. Folk flute

5/A Rudall & Rose ,rosewood, jatoba wood boxwood


with 6 keys, tuning slide- 1480

5/B Folk flute sopran/fife/ in d –328

You can order that kind of fife with tone f# or f

5/C. Folk fife in d with chromatic tones– 367

6.Renaissance flute traverso
6/A Renaissance tenor flute traverso C. Rafi

408, 440, 465 Hz from Museum in Bologna – 580

6/B Renaissance tenor flute traverso Anonim “A A”

408, 440, 465 Hz from Verona – 580

6/C C.Rafi /Academia Filharmonica di Verona

sycamore wood, cherry wood, jatoba wood, boxwood(only for special order)

sopran in d 440 Hz- 475

sopran in d 415 or 466 Hz- 485

alto in g or a 440 Hz- 510

alto in g or a 415 or 466 Hz- 525

tenor in d 440 Hz – 575

tenor in d 466,415, 394, or 382 Hz – 582

bass in G 440 Hz- 890

bass in G 415 ,394,382 or 466 Hz- 940

bas in F 440 Hz – 990

bass in F 415 394,348, 466 Hz-1100

6/D M.Praetorius. 440, 415 or 464 Hz

tenor in sycamore wood, plum wood- 610

tenor in boxwood or jatoba- 740

6/E Bassano 440, 466 or 415 Hz

sycamore wood

sopran in d- 475

alto in g or a 440 Hz – 510

alto in g or a 415 or 466 Hz-520

tenor in d 440 Hz- 580

tenor in d 415 or 466 Hz- 588

bass in 440 Hz- 880

boxwood ,rosewood, jatoba wood alto in g or a- 560

rosewood , jatoba tenor in d- 720

Two pieces in boxwood tenor in d -720

6F- Neo – Renaissance bass flute traverso in G 440 Hz with 3 keys and additional hole for F#2- 1470


Medieval flute traverso from collection of the Museum in Berlin( number 5422 )

Tenor with black ivory rings- 440, 415, 466 Hz – 610

7.Early baroque flutes7/A Lissieu / Vienna 440 , 415 or 466 Hz

tenor in d in sycamore wood 440 Hz– 560

tenor in d sycamore wood in 415 or 466 Hz- 610

tenor in d 440 Hz in boxwood , jatoba wood– 690

tenor in d 415 or 466 Hz boxwood, jatoba wood – 710

7/B Anonim F.H. 1650-1685 Augsburg/Germany

Tenor in c/440 Hz- 710

Tenor in d/440 Hz- 710

8 .Modern Headjoints for flutes in Boehm system ( all kind of woods)– 780

9. Rauschpfeife

Rauschpfeife sopran in c- 710

Rauschpfeife sopranino in f – 660

10. Shawm

10/A. French Shawm sopran in c with pirouette 440 Hz- 670

10/B. Spain Shawm sopran in c with pirouette- 670

10/C. Shawm alto in f 440Hz- 790

10/D .Shawm sopran in exclusive version with white rings- 730

10/E .Shawm sopranino in f with pirouette- 540

11. Pommer

Pommer sopran with fontanella in c/440 Hz- 750

Pommer alto with fontanella in c/440 Hz- 890

Additional reed- 32

12. Cornetto

sycamore wood. For special order: rosewood, boxwood.12/A Cornetto curvo in G “g-d” leather covered-842

12/B Cornetto in G, “g-d”, 3 pieces in 440 Hz + mouthpiece, sycamore wood – 525

boxwood- 630

12/C Cornetto in G ”g-d” ,1 piece in 440 Hz + mouthpiece- 510

12/D Cornetto in G “g- d”,1 piece in 440 Hz , covered natural leather, French model- 540

12/E. Cornetto in G “g-d”/440 Hz, one piece model from Museum in Berlin- 533

12/F. Cornetto in G, g-d” 3 pieces in 394, 384 or 466 Hz +mouthpiece- 576

12/G. Exclusive Baroque cornetto( 18th century) in G, g-d”/ copy after W. Thoma without

rings in 415 and 440 Hz– 541

12/H Baroque cornetto W.Thoma in g, g-d”/ 440 Hz with 4 rings / imitation ivory/- 770

12/I Cornettino in d/440 Hz- 425

12/J. Cornettino muto in d/440 Hz-445

12/K. Cornetto muto in F/440 Hz( 2 or 3 pieces)- 710

Additional part with mouthpiece with different dimensions or in black bone- 300

Mouthpiece to cornetto in boxwood, black bone or acrylic series-Amber– 56

13. Baroque traverso

440 , 415,392 and 432 Hz

wood: rosewood, jatoba wood

G.A Rottenburgh-1300

A.Grenser- 1200

I.H.Hotteterre – 1300

Naust ( four parts)- 1300

Assisi -1200

Baroque bass flute in G C. Gedney– 415 Hz – 2940

wood: ebony, boxwood ,olive wood

G.A.Rottenburgh-1300I.H.Rottenburgh- 1300

A.Grenser- 1350

J.Denner- 1400

Oberlander- 1300

Stanesby Jr -1400

I.H.Hotteterre – 1470

Naust ( four parts)- 1300

Assisi- 1450

Baroque flute piccolo I.H.Rottenburgh- 1100

French flute traverso d’amore in Bb 410 Hz by Dumont (about 1720) from Dayton Miller

Collection – 1700

Baroque Bass flute C. Gedney in G 415 Hz (boxwood) – 3440

Baroque fife from Gdansk in C original pitch 440 Hz C. Schuchard

sycamoore wood – 480

boxwood – 610

G.A.Rottenburgh Terz flute in f 415 Hz- 1400

Additional piece in 440,432,392 or 415 Hz- 295 Eur

All instruments are sell with case, ramrod and finger chart. 5 years warranty.

All instruments are sell with case, ramrod and finger chart. 5 years warranty.

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