Barokowe Chalumeau i Klarnet
Chalumeau z mojej pracowni są produkowane z następujących gatunków drewna: jawor górski, jabłoń , palisander, bukszpan.
Wykonuję dwie kopie Chalumeau
J.C. Denner( 1655-1707)
Stuehnwal about 1730, Bayerische National Museum in Munich
Lista utworów na Chalumeau
Jak temperatura wpływa na wysokość dźwięku w instrumentach dętych
Hotteterre I
Hotteterre II
Hotteterre III
Więcej o wykonawcy
Sonata G major - Andre Parcham (about 1703)
Please remember that the basic grips are written in the grips table. Just like every woodwinds, we use a lot of spare grips..
Zdjęcia Chalumeau
Chalumeau Tenor e f i Alt w c/ J.C Denner
Chalumeau tenor i sopran w f oraz alt w c, kopia wg Stuehnwal
Chalumeau bas w c – Denner
Zdjęcie jest własnością Grzegorza Tomaszewicza, jest chronione prawem i nie może być bez mojego pozwolenia używane i przekształcane w celach handlowych, komercyjnych etc. Tylko do użytku prywatnegoPobierz
Chalumeau bas in c/440 Hz z podwójnymi dziurkami na c/cis oraz d/dis
Zdjęcia Klarnetu
Baroque Clarinet in C /415 Hz, Jacob Denner (1681-1735)
Baroque Clarinet in C /415 Hz, Jacob Denner (1681-1735)
Baroque Clarinet in C /415 Hz, Jacob Denner (1681-1735)
Barokowy Klarnet in d/415 Hz, Jacob Denner (1681-1735)
A few words about Chalumeau
Please remember that the basic grips are written in the grips table. Just like every woodwinds, we use a lot of spare grips. For this instrument, we can perfectly use replacement grips that we use in the recorder. For example, in chalumeau in c, the sound of f# can be played in the first octave, using about 4 substitute tricks. The same applies to sounds like: g #, Bb, C #
In chalumeau instead of ligature as in clarinet, we use string or thin thong. The method of tying a string has a very large impact on intonation, the power of sound and its color. E.g:
– if you tie the string on the headpiece high, you will have a high instinct. If you wrap the string lower, you will lower the intonation.
– a large impact on the sound has also with which force it is associated. Please note that if you draw the string tightly at the bottom of the reed, the distance between the mouthpiece and the reed will be more open
Pay attention to the reed. Very often it is a bit shorter than the distance of the mouthpiece, because you have the opportunity to raise or lower it. This has a big impact on the nature of the sound.
To Chalumeau: soprano, alt, we use reeds for the modern Vandoren clarinet number 2.
For tenor and bass, we use the alto saxophone number 2 or 2,5.
Reeds should be cut slightly to fit your instrument.
Please remember that changing the reed to another than the number 2 or 2.5 may affect somehow sound and intonation.
Of course, your preferences can be slightly scratched if it’s too strong for your needs.
Very important. At least once a week, you must lubricate the whole instrument with oil inside and outside. I recommend linseed oil or almond olive. During lubrication, the oil can not get on the keys from the bottoms. Remember to wipe the instrument well after oiling, blow holes with strong air.
Before playing, we throw in a little bit of summer water for a few minutes.
We are slowly playing the new instrument. In the first week, we play 15 minutes a day. In the second week, 20 minutes a day, etc., etc.
After intense play, please put the instrument apart and cut it thoroughly and then leave it to dry naturally. It is not possible to hold the instrument close to devices with high temperatures and direct sunlight