Renaissance and Baroque musical instruments
by Grzegorz Tomaszewicz

Songs & Dances
of the 15th and 16th century


Collegio Antico:

Anna Szelińska-Mikus – fiddle, bass viola da gamba
Ryszard Borowski – rauschpfeife, recorders, cornamuse
Robert Lawaty – countertenor, baritone

Jarosław Lipski – Renaissance lute, percussion instruments
Grzegorz Tomaszewicz – recorders, cornamuse, shawm, dulcimer, music director

guest musicians:
Beatrix Blanco – alto, percussion instruments
Joanna Nogal – fiddle
Andrzej Bejda – hurdy-gurdy
Kazimierz Gruszczyński – viola da gamba, violone
Paweł Kobus – pommer tenor, recorders, cornamuse
Jarosław Kopeć – xylophone, percussion instruments
Marek Żwirdowski – trombone


Tänze nach Teutscher und Polnischer Art

Valentin Haussmann (1565/70-1614)

The Collegio Antico Early Music Ensemble was established in 1993 at the initiative of a group of musicians, members of various ensembles who had earlier played in concerts and recording sessions together. Graduates of music schools in Poland, Britain and Germany, they all polished their skills at numerous courses in the interpretation of early music held by W Kuijken, R. van der Meer, S.Pank, The King’s Singers, N. North and R. Ehrlich.

Collegio Antico is pursuing intense concert activities in Poland and abroad. It performs in various instrumental and vocal lineups, numbering from 3 to 12 musicians. The ensemble specializes in repertoire from the 15th to the 18th century, performed on replicas of old instruments.

The repertoire of Collegio Antico includes several thematic programmes:

– Codex Specialnik (15th cent.),
– From the musical manuscripts of the Jagiellonian Library (1420-1430),
– Music for Christmas (15th-17th cent.; joint Polish-German project),
– The Art of Ornamentation – 17th century Italian music,
– The Pelplin Tablature (17th cent.),
– The Conversation between Master Polycarp and Death (15th cent. – theatre performance),
– 17th century English music,
– Songs and dances (15th-16th cent.),
– Adam Jarzębski and Johann Fisher (17th cent.).

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