Music Forum

invite all musicians, musicologists, etc., who are interested in cooperation, to post in this forum, their articles on the subject of the broadly understood theme “early music”, folk, jazz. I cordially invite you.

Grzegorz Tomaszewicz

The legend of Victor and Corona in the medieval codices

The legend of Victor and Corona in the medieval codices

Approximately from the thirteenth century onward, as the cult for the saints spread over the West, also as a response to the quest for tangible figures of faith that might recall the drama of the death of the incarnate Christ, new musical forms bore witness to an emerging sensitivity.

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An Introduction to the Renaissance Flute

An Introduction to the Renaissance Flute

Playing music together was once what music was all about. In our current times of “social distancing,” we need, perhaps more than ever, the opportunity to come together, even if only in smaller circles.

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The early piano or fortepiano

The early piano or fortepiano

The invention of the “gravecembalo”(extended harpsichord with piano and forte) is due to Bartolomeo Cristofori (Padua 4 May 1655 – Florence 27 January 1731), harpsichord maker at the Medici Court of Florence between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

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